Parent View

Here at Priors Hall - a learning community, we always value the view points of our parents and wider community to ensure we are offering all we can to our families for the benefit of all of our pupils.

In October, we sent out a questionnaire asking how we can improve our school website to ensure it has what you need as a parent. Please view the table below to see how we have addressed your requests.

Feedback from parentResponse
Available school trips for the academic yearAs trips are booked, they are added to the school calendar.
Uniform swap shopDetails of this have been added the uniform section in ‘Parent zone’. It is also on all school newsletters sent each half term.
After school club information. Are prices shown for clubs? If not, those pleaseA new clubs page has been set up in parent zone – details of all clubs, timings, prices etc. Miss Martin also sends all information regarding clubs on an enrichment newsletter. These are shared on MCAS and DOJO.
Uniform guidelinesAll found on the ‘parent zone’ section of the website. Every newsletter includes information of Uniform expectations too.
Each year group class timetableThis information is already shared regularly on Class Dojo with parents.
Just dates on all dress up days etc. Too much to remember.These dates can be found on the school calendar – this can be accessed via the home page button or in parent zone. Reminders are sent on DOJO.
Governor's namesThis can be found on the About Us – Local Governing Body section.
Parents evening datesThese can be found on the school calendar
Celebration of successClass DOJO rewards are given throughout the day, and you should receive notification of these if you have the APP (if not, please download).
House point update on website on a regular basis. We have a star of the week celebration assembly each week, for the children.
An area that celebrates the children’s successes (in or out of school) perhaps a weekly or monthly update of achievements.Key events and achievements are celebrated in the school newsletter, which is sent out termly and put on the school website (School news)
Photos of our children learning in the classroom.We are in the process of updating the school website, with photos covering all aspects of school life.
What kids learning about - in every year in detail , what would help parents to understand every subject material beforehand.Every term, teachers send out newsletter which explain specific learning for each subject about what is being taught each term. These are shared on Class DOJO and also placed on the website (School News – Year Group News)
Knowledge organisers are also placed on the website as a new topic starts, these can be found on the year group pages and show the sticky knowledge the children need to know by the end of the topic, key vocabulary and what the children have already learnt to support the current learning.
Links and signposting to support in the area that parents can access if need to. For example, mental health support, parenting group support, services and agencies that can support - and a brief of what they do.This area has been updated on both the Send Section (About Us) and the Health and Well-being page (Safeguarding)
Information on how to use tax free childcare in online payments sectionThis has been updated on the ‘Wrap around Club’ (About Us) section, under the title ‘How to pay’. Tax free childcare can only be used for wrap around care, not clubs and school dinners.
Online absence reportWeekly updates are sent out on the whole school story section of Class Dojo by Mrs Moxam, showing each classes attendance for the week.
Each parent can see their child’s individual attendance report on the MCAS APP (My Child at School)
Local activity groups? E.g. cubs, scouts, brownies, football etcThis currently is not part of the school website, but recommendation are shared on the school Facebook Page.
Easy to find sickness policyThis is called the attendance policy, which can be found in our policy section of the website (About us)
Link to food menuUp to date menu add in school meal section, parent zone
Up to date informationParent are kept up to date with key information via Class Dojo and MCAS, as these are our main avenues of communication
More information on children’s after school clubs.A club’s page has been created in the ‘Parent Zone’ section, detailing all clubs, timings, costs and how to book.