RSE Consultation


From September 2020, it was made a statutory requirement that all schools in England and Wales are teaching Relationship and Sex Education as a fundamental part of the curriculum.

As part of implementing the RSE curriculum, schools must consult with the children, parents, staff and governors to ensure there is a general consensus on our approaches to policy and the curriculum content.

As part of this, we are asking parents to read through the following two documents and make comments on them. The two documents that you are asked to read as part of the consultation will be:



In order to provide your feedback to this consultation, we would appreciate your completion of the following questionnaire:

RSE Consultation Questionnaire



Please see the feedback and actions taken from all of our RSE consultations below:



For more useful information about RSE or PSHE, browse the links below:


If you have any questions about RSE or would like more information, then please contact Mrs Barrett at